CBD Basics

CBD For People

How Can CBD Help Your Anxiety?

Living with anxiety is undeniably difficult. You may find yourself missing opportunities to excel at work, spend time with loved ones or enjoy hobbies you once found fulfilling. Fortunately, anxiety has a chemical basis, which means it can be medically treated. If you’re sensitive to medications or want to try a more natural approach to […]Read More

CBD For Pets

Can CBD Be Used To Treat Pets?

As cannabis has gained more public attention and increasingly been legalized, people are increasingly thinking about CBD for pets. At first glance, this idea may seem completely strange. However, many think it could be a valuable way to treat pets with various ailments. What Is CBD? Cannabidiol is a substance in cannabis that has various […]Read More

CBD Basics

A risk of vaping tied to vitamin E acetate oil

Vaping has become an extremely popular alternative to smoking in the last few years, especially in younger generations. While vape may not have the same adverse effects as cigarettes—blackened lungs, cancers, and more—over 2,000 severe vape-related lung injuries indicate that it’s definitely not harmless. The Center for Disease Control has detected a “potential toxin of […]Read More

CBD For People

Can CBD Benefit Epilepsy Patients?

CBD stores are popping up all over the place. In some areas, it seems as though they are becoming as ubiquitous as the golden arches. A lot of claims have been made about the benefits of CBD, which is prompting the increased demand. You may be surprised to know that CBD’s effects on epilepsy seizures […]Read More

CBD Basics

CBD Vaping Absorption Rate

Recent changes in legislation have created vast opportunities for hemp and CBD. Studies abound regarding CBD as an emerging therapy and its health benefits for myriad illnesses such as depression, arthritis and epilepsy. New products are introduced to the market daily to meet the demands of the public. Products vary from oils to creams and […]Read More

CBD Basics

What is Vape?

Vaping is the inhaling and exhaling of an aerosol (vapor) generated by an electronic device commonly referred to as an e-cigarette. Vaping gets its name because of the vapor produced by the device during exhalation, which is different than tobacco or marijuana smoke. E-cigarettes and other types of vaping devices are powered by batteries. The devices […]Read More

CBD For People

Can CBD Oil Stop Allergy?

Both anecdotal evidence and research studies suggest CBD oil has numerous benefits for things like depression, arthritis and epilepsy. Trials seem to indicate that CBD has a positive impact on pain management, inflammation and neurotransmitters in the brain. But what about things like allergies? Using CBD oil to fight allergy shows promise, too, and here’s […]Read More

CBD For People

CBD Oil for Chronic Pain

CBD oil has a host of benefits. However, the one question many users have is, “How does CBD oil help relieve the pain?” CBD for pain has been in practice for years now, and many people report feeling immensely better after frequent CBD usage. Make sure to talk to your doctor about CBD oil for […]Read More

CBD For People

CBD Therapy for Arthritis

CBD is being touted as a cure-all treatment for myriad illnesses and issues. Is it just hyperbole for snake oil or is there something to this increasingly popular cannabinoid? The topic is debated depending on the claim, but the fact is that research does suggest that CBD oils for arthritis and other illnesses can be […]Read More