Marijuana addiction is a serious concern but CBD may help

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A recent estimate found that around 10 percent of cannabis users end up addicted. Ironically, CBD, c main compound found in cannabis, has shown some promise in helping those with addiction.

CBD has been found to neutralize toxic THC qualities by altering the way your body interacts with THC. It also seems that not only can CBD help treat the toxicity of THC but it can also reduce the symptoms of withdrawal.

While cannabis is regarded as relatively safe for medicinal and recreational use, health concerns do exist and there is still a chance for any user to become addicted to the psychoactive element of the plant, THC. A recent estimate found that around 10 percent of cannabis users end up addicted and must deal with symptoms of withdrawal when they discontinue use. Somewhat counterintuitively, CBD, the other main compound found in cannabis, has shown some promise in helping those addicted to cannabis. An effective dosage of CBD provides psychological support for those looking to quit, helping them stay on their chosen path of discontinued cannabis use.

The Science of CBD and THC

There is research that backs up the use of CBD extract for cannabis addiction. The CBD phytocannabinoid neutralizes toxic THC qualities by altering the way your body interacts with THC. This means CBD can lessen the “high” caused by THC, as well as mitigate against some of its other health-related concerns.

Some studies have indicated that marijuana causes bipolar disorders. CBD has a role in reducing both depression and mania, meaning it may be seen as a safe way to reduce the impact of mental health disorders caused or empowered by THC.

The Side Effects of THC Withdrawal

Based on the science, it appears that using CBD for cannabis addiction can have a positive impact on that person’s life. CBD has already been shown to help with a multitude of mental health disorders. Using CBD for anxiety or erratic behavior is already common. Many people already use CBD for better sleep quality, too. As these are all potential symptoms of cannabis withdrawal, it appears that CBD is suited to not only reduce the toxicity of THC but also help reduce the symptoms of withdrawal. If you’re concerned that you or a loved one is addicted to THC, reach out to a doctor today. They can discuss options, including CBD, to better equip them in their fight against addiction and the symptoms of withdrawal.

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