Medical marijuana offers dual benefits to those with HIV/AIDS: it manages symptoms and cannabis-like compounds can block the spread of HIV throughout the bodyRead More
CBD For People
Recent studies show using CBD for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder can reduce symptoms with no additional side effects, making it an effective tool for veteransRead More
Research continues to show great hope for medical marijuana and cannabis as a potential medical treatment for a whole host of physical and psychological disorders. Also contained in that research, however, is the risk and potential side effects of cannabis, especially about heart disease. Marijuana and Healthy Living Smoking marijuana is associated with two phenomena […]Read More
Medical marijuana can provide many benefits to senior citizens, which helps to explain they this group's use has exploded over the past decadeRead More
CBD use is exploding among seniors due to its ability to relieve pain and stymie the advancement of cancer and neurological diseasesRead More
Is it safe to take CBD and prescription medication at the same time? Learn about how the enzyme and endocannabinoid systems interact.Read More
Both THC and CBD are cannabinoids derived from the cannabis plant. They are only two of more than 100 cannabinoid compounds found in the plant. These chemical compounds are extracted through a variety of methods, such as CO2 extraction, where the compound is separated from the plant material and then often mixed with a carrier […]Read More
You can expect CBD oil to help you with these 11 common health issues. Here’s the list of issues: Health Issue 1: Reduce Anxiety Fortunately, anxiety has a chemical basis, which means it can be medically treated. If you’re sensitive to medications or want to try a more natural approach to treatment, you can try CBD […]Read More
Living with anxiety is undeniably difficult. You may find yourself missing opportunities to excel at work, spend time with loved ones or enjoy hobbies you once found fulfilling. Fortunately, anxiety has a chemical basis, which means it can be medically treated. If you’re sensitive to medications or want to try a more natural approach to […]Read More
Exercise Caution Before Taking CBD Oil With Prescription Medication
Cannabinoid, or CBD for short, is contained in the cannabis flower. It is a natural compound that provides a variety of therapeutic benefits. It is used to treat ailments ranging from heart disorders to pain relief. However, there are health risks when taking CBD with prescription medication. Liver Enzymes and Medication Liver enzymes play a […]Read More