CBD and Prescription Cancer Medication

CBD for Cancer

Recent research on CBD has shown that it can reduce chemotherapy and radiation side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and a loss of appetite. This can help cancer patients stay at a healthy weight and help reduce discomfort.

It is important to know that CBD should not be taken with drugs with a “grapefruit warning.”

There’s little doubt about the ravaging effects cancer can have on the human body. When it comes to cancer medication, including chemotherapy and radiation, often the cure can be just as bad as the disease.

Yet, recent research has shown that CBD can reduce chemotherapy and radiation side effects, making it an effective tool in the cancer fight.

The Effects of Chemotherapy and Radiation

Some of the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation include nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite. CBD, the naturally occurring non-psychoactive component of marijuana, can help reverse the symptoms, helping cancer patients stay at a healthy weight and reducing the discomforting effects of their treatment. This, in effect, means that CBD may increase the efficiency of certain drugs used to treat cancer.

The Interaction of CBD and Cancer Drugs

While CBD can help patients deal with nausea and weight loss, that doesn’t mean the supplement should be used without consulting your doctor.

There are several drugs that interact with CBD, including any that come with the common “grapefruit warning” as well as some oral and intravenous chemotherapy treatments. Using CBD may result in the medicine lingering in your system far longer than intended. To ensure that there are no interactions between CBD and your cancer treatment, make sure to speak with your doctor and oncologist. They are best suited to help reduce the symptoms of your treatment.

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