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CBD Alleviates the Effects of Chronic Inflammation

CBD Alleviates the Effects of Chronic Inflammation (lead image)

While inflammation is part of the immune system’s natural response to injury and infection in the body, too much is known as chronic inflammation and is associated with several diseases and conditions.

CBD has been shown to interact with the body’s cannabinoid receptors, leading to relief and therapy of inflammation.

What Is Chronic Inflammation?

The body’s inflammatory response involves the production of white blood cells and proteins. Typically, this defense mechanism results in short-term, or acute, inflammation. When the system fails to shut down the response, it leads to a prolonged state of systemic inflammation. Common symptoms include:

  •         General fatigue
  •         Rashes
  •         Mouth sores
  •         Chest and abdominal pain
  •         Low-grade fever

What Causes Chronic Inflammation?

Autoimmune disorders are a common cause of this condition. An injury that results in acute inflammation can turn into a chronic condition if left untreated. For some, long-term exposure to environmental toxins produces the low-level, consistent immune-system response indicative of chronic inflammation. Chronic stress, obesity and smoking are factors that can also contribute to developing the condition.

Diseases Causing Chronic Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is associated with several diseases. In the case of osteoarthritis, the disease itself leads to an ongoing immune-system response due to the cartilage damage in the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that also contributes to chronic inflammation. The condition itself can result in Type II diabetes, stroke, heart attack and some cancers.

What Can CBD Do for Chronic Inflammation?

Cannabidiol works with the body’s endocannabinoid system. Its effects seem to be similar to those of the endocannabinoid molecules the human body naturally produces. The endocannabinoid system role in treating inflammation has to do with the cannabinoid receptor CB2.

These receptors are important in regulating the immune system. When activated, they reduce inflammation in the body. CBD interacts with the CB2 receptors, turning them on the same way the body’s own endocannabinoids do. This can make it effective in treating chronic inflammation.

How To Apply CBD for Chronic Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is often a systemic condition that cannot be seen with the eyes, though conditions such as arthritis result in visible swelling at the joints. For internal inflammation issues, a CBD supplement is recommended. Sublingual oils work faster than pills, capsules or gummies. When the swelling is in a location you can see, topical application using oils, salves, lotions and creams, can provide targeted relief.

Using CBD for inflammation can be safe and effective. Discovering the right dosage of CBD for chronic inflammation can take some time, as each person reacts differently. It is recommended that you begin with a low dose and take it slow, increasing the dose over time until you find the level that works for you.

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