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CBD Oil and COVID-19

covid19 and cbd oil

There is no evidence of CBD managing COVID-19. FDA has warned against CBD companies that are looking to take advantage of the pandemic.

Yet CBD may help in other ways. It can reduce stress and anxiety caused by the fear of the pandemic and quarantining.

The current global pandemic is scary enough on its own without worrying about those looking to make a quick buck from people’s fears and anxieties. Unfortunately, some of the companies looking to financially exploit the situation are trying to tie CBD and coronavirus together, implying that CBD-related products will vaccinate, cure, or even kill COVID-19.

In this time of communities coming together to protect their most vulnerable, it is as essential as ever to remind ourselves to beware of scammers and other sources of misinformation.

The Facts About CBD Oil and COVID-19

Let’s begin by stating this clearly:

there is zero evidence of CBD managing COVID-19.

In fact, the FDA wants to remove misleading messages about CBD and COVID-19 to help eliminate confusion and ensure people are following sound medical advice regarding this virus. Some states have also issued guidance that ensures local CBD stores are taken down because of false information around COVID-19.

In recent weeks, NORML, one of the leading proponents of cannabis legalization, has sent out multiple warnings about CBD companies that are looking to take advantage of the pandemic. While the uncertainty regarding this novel virus means that experts are looking everywhere for potential treatments, cures, and vaccinations, it remains essential to follow the advice and guidance of your local health officials.

How CBD May Help Generally

With multiple states asking its citizens to stay at home and the entire population asked to engage in social distancing, it makes sense to hear reports of increased anxiety.

While it won’t protect you against the virus itself, CBD can reduce stress and anxiety caused by COVID-19.  CBD oil could be a potent tool to make social distancing and shelter-in-place orders easier to manage.

This is a trying time for everyone. If you’re dealing with increased anxiety, depression, or stress, reach out to your doctor to discuss CBD as a potential option. They will be able to discuss potential dosage, as well as alternatives that may work better for your specific needs.

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