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Covid-19 Attacks The Whole Body. Can CBD Oil Help?

Covid-19 Attacks The Whole Body. Can CBD Oil Help? (lead image)

FDA has recently sent out warning letters stating that CBD is not a miracle cure for COVID-19. Though CBD is not the cure for COVID, it may possibly aid in the treatment of this virus.

As an anti-inflammatory, CBD may help reduce myocardial inflammation. It can also help keep bronchial passages open and aid the lungs (an organ that is usually damaged seriously by COVID). It’s anti-inflammatory properties may also aid with blood clots. CBD is also helpful in managing pain.

The world has changed due to COVID-19. It has shut down economies, ravaged millions of people, and killed hundreds of thousands as of this writing. The coronavirus has brutalized entire populations due to its high level of contagiousness as well as the way it can decimate the body.

With no known vaccine or cure, people are turning to alternative treatments. One popular treatment is CBD. While the FDA has recently sent out warning letters to companies advertising CBD as a miracle cure for COVID-19, there are reasons to believe CBD may help mitigate some of the effects caused by COVID-19. To dive deeper, we’ll look at the way COVID-19 attacks parts of the body and how CBD may help.

COVID Effect on Heart: COVID-19 Causes Myocarditis and Inflammation of Heart Muscles

One of the scariest ways COVID-19 attacks the body is through the heart. When COVID-19 reaches the heart, it has the potential to cause heart failure or abnormal heart rhythms. This happens due to the body’s inflammatory response in fighting the infection, which causes myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart.

CBD oil has anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce inflammation around the heart. One recent study indicated that CBD may help reduce myocardial inflammation. In the summer of 2019, a pharmaceutical company announced it would begin clinical trials for its CBD-based heart treatment, potentially leading to more data on CBD’s ability to battle heart inflammation.

COVID Effect on Lungs: COVID-19 Causes Permanent Lung Damage and May Lead to Respiratory Disorder

COVID-19 is typically thought of as a respiratory disorder and can cause major damage to the lungs. People diagnosed with COVID-19 may develop pneumonia, acute respiratory distress system, or sepsis. Even those who may recover from these secondary disorders may still experience scarring in their lungs or long-term damage to their other organs.

Again, the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD oil indicate the potential of this chemical compound. This study from 2015 found that phytocannabinoids may help keep bronchial passages open, allowing them to breathe easier and keep their blood oxygen levels high. Another study conducted on mice found that CBD oil may ease the consequences of lung damage and improve lung function.

COVID Causes Vessel Inflammation: This Leads to Pulmonary Embolism and Vascular Occlusion in the Brain and Intestinal Tract

Multiple studies have found an association between COVID-19 and blood clots. While blood clots in and of themselves may not be dangerous, if those clots begin to travel to the lungs, brain, or intestinal tract, they can become deadly. Even in those cases where the patient diagnosed with COVID-19 didn’t require critical care due to the infection, some medical systems found that patients still experienced a pulmonary embolism.

Because of the anti-inflammatory properties of CBD oil, CBD may play a role in reducing pulmonary and vascular damage. A study from the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology found that evidence “suggests that CBD is beneficial in the cardiovascular system.” A different study from 2007 also indicated that CBD may work as an anticoagulant that helps reduce blood clots.

COVID Effect on Kidneys: Pneumonia and COVID-19 Damage Kidneys

Another common issue associated with COVID-19 is the loss of kidney function. One study found that early in the epidemic, close to a third of COVID-diagnosed ICU patients in New York and Wuhan needed dialysis.

A common theory behind this relationship relates to pneumonia. Pneumonia causes a lot of fluid in the lungs. Then, patients are given a drug to remove fluid from the body, which reduces the blood supply of the kidneys, potentially leading to their complete loss of function.

As this is a painful situation, there may be efficacy in using CBD oil for pain management without further damage to the kidneys. This may be particularly helpful to those who take common pain relievers called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs which can poison the kidneys. While it appears that CBD may help the body in its fight against COVID-19, it’s critical to know that the facts on the ground regarding this new disease are constantly changing. If you think you may have COVID-19 or have been exposed to it, you should follow your local health guidance and reach out to your doctor through the telephone or video chat to better discuss treatment options and ways to keep you and your family safe.

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