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Today's lifestyle is permeated with the use of prescription medications. We take pills to get well, yet are affected with an array of side effects from the pills, that cause damage to parts of our body. SmartCBDHub.com is to provide... Read more

Tags :thyroid

Thyroid Issues, Goiters, and CBD

What causes goiter? There are three main reasons for an enlarged thyroid. •         Both an overproduction (hyperthyroidism or Graves’ disease) and underproduction (hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s disease) of thyroid hormones will cause the gland to swell. •         The production of the thyroid hormones requires iodine, so a deficiency […]Read More

Can CBD Help Treat Thyroid Cancer?

Thyroid Cancer affects the thyroid, a gland that impacts many of your body’s functions. This cancer appears in multiple forms. Other types of cancer patients take CBD oil for its therapeutic benefits, including pain management. This article delves into thyroid cancer and promising signs of CBD oil as a potential treatment. What Is Thyroid Cancer? […]Read More

CBD May Help Those Suffering From Hyperthyroidism

Recent studies have shown that CBD may help those with hypothyroidism. More generally, many people use CBD for pain and inflammation, which can be significant symptoms of an overactive thyroid. What Are The Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism? As your thyroid plays a critical role in the function of your body, an overactive thyroid can lead to […]Read More

CBD for Graves Disease

Graves’ disease is an autoimmune disorder that results in hyperthyroidism or the overproduction of the thyroid hormone. Though several conditions can cause hyperthyroidism, Graves’ disease is the most common cause. Though not life-threatening, Graves’ disease can drastically reduce a person’s overall quality of life. Because of this fact, researchers are always on the lookout for […]Read More