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Today's lifestyle is permeated with the use of prescription medications. We take pills to get well, yet are affected with an array of side effects from the pills, that cause damage to parts of our body. SmartCBDHub.com is to provide... Read more

Tags :infections

How CBD Oil for Bacterial Infections Can Help

What Is Bacteria? Bacteria are single-celled organisms that live in and on all life forms in every environment and climate on the planet. They are also found in the air, in soil and in water. For humans, these microorganisms are largely either helpful or neutral. Gut health, for instance, depends on good bacteria and probiotics […]Read More

How CBD Oil Alleviates Symptoms of Fungal Infection

Symptoms of fungal infection include rashes, redness, and itching that won’t stop. Often, steroid creams and other prescription medications cause as many side effects as benefits for your skin. Use a safe, effective alternative when you choose a CBD-containing ointment and take advantage of the anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties of CBD.  Symptoms of Fungal Infection […]Read More

CBD for Viral Infections

A viral infection occurs when a virus enters your body and redirects your cells to produce more of the virus. Viral infections are contagious. However, unlike bacterial infections, viruses require a living host to survive. Common colds, the flu, HIV, and COVID-19 are examples of viral infections. Due to the commonplace nature of viral infections, […]Read More

Can CBD Oil Be Used to Clear Up Symptoms of Pneumonia?

Pneumonia can be a scary disease, but fortunately, most people with the condition will have a mild illness and recover without complications. The disease, which involves an infection that causes lung inflammation, can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi. This infection may result as a complication of another illness a patient already has, like […]Read More

CBD for Hepatitis B

Hepatitis B is a serious liver condition caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV) that affects hundreds of millions of people worldwide, including an estimated 862,000 in the United States. As hepatitis B is so common, the medical community needs to develop as many potential therapies for it as possible. One such therapy may be […]Read More

CBD Oil for Hepatitis

Hepatitis is a liver condition that results in inflammation. While it’s usually caused by viral infections, lifestyle choices, such as drug use or exposure to toxins, can also serve as a source of the condition. Some forms of hepatitis, like hepatitis B, already have effective vaccinations. Unfortunately, other forms lack vaccinations and can be difficult […]Read More

CBD for Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A is one of five forms of hepatitis. It’s typically caused by a viral infection. Often, the source of the virus is the ingestion of water or food contaminated by the feces of someone already infected. The symptoms of hepatitis A don’t typically occur until several weeks after the initial infection. Based on previous […]Read More