Tags :gout

CBD for Pseudogout Relief

Causes of Pseudogout Unlike regular gout, which is caused by an accumulation of uric acid, pseudogout is the result of the buildup of tiny calcium crystals in the cartilage of certain joints. Not much is understood about what causes this abnormal occurrence in some adults. When the crystals are released into the surrounding joint fluid, […]Read More

Is CBD Useful in Treating Asymptomatic Hyperuricemia?

What Is Uric Acid? Uric acid is the byproduct that occurs when chemicals called purines are broken down in the body. The body naturally produces purines, but they are also present in a number of foods and drinks people consume. Common sources of this chemical include alcoholic beverages, red meat, organ meat, some fish, bacon, […]Read More

How CBD Can Help Work Out Your Gout

To some people, gout might sound like an old-time condition like smallpox or consumption. Because it tended to affect older males, it was sometimes referred to as the “rich man’s disease.” It is a type of recurring arthritis associated with inflammation that manifests as a swollen joint with redness, tenderness and heat. It’s associated with […]Read More