Is CBD Useful in Treating Asymptomatic Hyperuricemia?

Is CBD Useful in Treating Asymptomatic Hyperuricemia? (lead image)

Hyperuricemia is characterized by elevated levels of uric acid (the byproduct of when purines are broken down) in the blood, which can lead to gout and other health conditions. This build up can occur due to the body producing too many purines and the kidneys being unable to eliminate them quickly, or the consumption of too many purine-rich foods.

Hyperuricemia usually produces no symptoms unless it develops into an associated condition such as gout. There is not a lot of research on cbd’s effect on hyperuricemia. Yet, it may aid in maintaining homeostasis in the body and reducing inflammation.

What Is Uric Acid?

Uric acid is the byproduct that occurs when chemicals called purines are broken down in the body. The body naturally produces purines, but they are also present in a number of foods and drinks people consume. Common sources of this chemical include alcoholic beverages, red meat, organ meat, some fish, bacon, turkey and pork.

What Causes Hyperuricemia?

As the body breaks down purines into uric acid, the byproduct moves through the kidneys and is eliminated in the urine. If the kidneys cannot remove the waste, it begins to accumulate in the blood.

There are two primary reasons why hyperuricemia occurs. First, the body itself produces too many purines and the kidneys are unable to eliminate it fast enough. The second cause is the consumption of too many purine-rich foods and drinks. This similarly leads to the kidney’s inability to excrete uric acid as quickly as it is produced.

Is Hyperuricemia Common?

Hyperuricemia and its associated conditions, particularly gout, were historically considered a disease of the wealthy. As access to high-purine foods and beverages has increased, so too have the rates of hyperuricemia. Excess uric acid in the blood is common and is present in as many as 21% of the general population.

What Are the Symptoms of Hyperuricemia?

Hyperuricemia often produces no symptoms. This is referred to as asymptomatic hyperuricemia. There is evidence to suggest that though there are no symptoms in approximately two-thirds of those with hyperuricemia, the condition has a detrimental impact on the kidneys, diminishing their functioning capacity. Symptoms typically do not appear until the individual develops an associated condition such as kidney stones or gout.

How Can CBD Oil Help?

Cannabidiol interacts with the endocannabinoid system and leads to the production of cannabinoids in the body, which bind with C1 and C2 cell receptors. The formation of the bond seems to serve a role in maintaining homeostasis in all of the body’s systems. Though more research is needed, CBD may help regulate kidney functioning through its relationship to the endocannabinoid system. This may, in turn, aid the kidneys in eliminating uric acid more efficiently.

CBD oil has analgesic properties that may help to reduce systemic inflammation in those who develop inflammatory conditions from hyperuricemia. If you are currently being treated for hyperuricemia, it is important to talk to your physician about potential CBD oil interaction with hyperuricemia medication.

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