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Today's lifestyle is permeated with the use of prescription medications. We take pills to get well, yet are affected with an array of side effects from the pills, that cause damage to parts of our body. SmartCBDHub.com is to provide... Read more

Tags :autoimmune disorder

Is CBD Oil Beneficial in Treating Addison’s Disease?

What Causes Addison’s Disease? The condition is the result of adrenal gland damage. Most frequently, autoimmune failures cause the damage. The symptoms of Addison’s disease include: •         Low blood pressure •         Darkening skin coloration •         Extreme fatigue •         Loss […]Read More

CBD for Cushing’s Disease or Cushing’s Syndrome

What Causes Cushing’s Syndrome?  Cushing’s Syndrome is a result of your body’s exposure to high concentrations of cortisol. Often this high concentration occurs due to one of several underlying issues: •         Adrenal gland disease  •         Adrenocorticotropic hormone-secreting tumor  •         Family history of Cushing’s […]Read More

Why You Should Consider Using CBD for Graves Dermopathy

What Is Graves Dermopathy? Uncontrolled hyperthyroidism can result in a number of unpleasant symptoms such as heart palpitations, panic attacks, waxy skin, and hair loss. Graves’ dermopathy is a skin condition that results as a little-known side effect of this multifaceted disease. When your body attacks your thyroid and circulates too much thyroid hormone throughout […]Read More

CBD For Hashimoto’s Disease

Hashimoto’s disease is the leading cause of underactive thyroids in the United States. An autoimmune disorder, it alters the way the immune system acts by settings its aim on a healthy thyroid. This leads to this essential gland becoming inflamed, which, in turn, reduces energy and slows many bodily functions. Due to the issue of […]Read More

CBD for Graves Disease

Graves’ disease is an autoimmune disorder that results in hyperthyroidism or the overproduction of the thyroid hormone. Though several conditions can cause hyperthyroidism, Graves’ disease is the most common cause. Though not life-threatening, Graves’ disease can drastically reduce a person’s overall quality of life. Because of this fact, researchers are always on the lookout for […]Read More