CBD Basics

CBD For People

Can CBD Oil Help Drug addiction?

Per a 2017 survey by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, close to 20 million American adults have dealt with some sort of substance use disorder in the past year. This number is astonishing, not just due to the impact of those battling addiction, but for the family members, friends, neighbors, and coworkers […]Read More

CBD For People

CBD Oil as an Alternative to Smoking Tobacco

There are many ways to state the addictive nature of nicotine but the most effective way is to say that over 34 million Americans continue to smoke cigarettes even though the dangers are broadcasted every day and stamped on every pack. Smokers are not unaware of these health concerns, but many struggle to find the […]Read More

CBD Basics CBD For People

CBD Oil and COVID-19

The current global pandemic is scary enough on its own without worrying about those looking to make a quick buck from people’s fears and anxieties. Unfortunately, some of the companies looking to financially exploit the situation are trying to tie CBD and coronavirus together, implying that CBD-related products will vaccinate, cure, or even kill COVID-19. […]Read More