Understanding Hypertension Hypertension is typically classified as either primary or secondary. If you’re wondering what causes high blood pressure, it depends on the classification. Primary HBP tends to arise due to non-specific lifestyle and genetic factors, while secondary HBP is attributed to actual causes such as chronic kidney disease or other endocrine problems. Blood pressure […]Read More
CBD Basics
Arthritis can come in many forms and affect many joints, but the ankle joint is a prime target for conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. RA, specifically, involves swelling in the synovial lining of the joints caused by an attack on the lining from the patient’s own immune system. CBD may help decrease inflammation and stiffness in […]Read More
What Is Bacteria? Bacteria are single-celled organisms that live in and on all life forms in every environment and climate on the planet. They are also found in the air, in soil and in water. For humans, these microorganisms are largely either helpful or neutral. Gut health, for instance, depends on good bacteria and probiotics […]Read More
Meningitis is the term used to describe the inflammation of the fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord and the meninges, or the membranes, that exist in this fluid. What causes meningitis varies from patient to patient, but the disease is usually the result of an infection. Meningitis typically falls under one of two categories: […]Read More
What Causes Addison’s Disease? The condition is the result of adrenal gland damage. Most frequently, autoimmune failures cause the damage. The symptoms of Addison’s disease include: • Low blood pressure • Darkening skin coloration • Extreme fatigue • Loss […]Read More
What Causes Cushing’s Syndrome? Cushing’s Syndrome is a result of your body’s exposure to high concentrations of cortisol. Often this high concentration occurs due to one of several underlying issues: • Adrenal gland disease • Adrenocorticotropic hormone-secreting tumor • Family history of Cushing’s […]Read More
What Causes Different Types of Foot Pain? Human feet are incredibly intricate: Each foot contains 26 bones that are connected by a web of muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Due to the number of components in the foot and the fact that a person uses his feet to bear the weight of his entire body, feet […]Read More
What causes goiter? There are three main reasons for an enlarged thyroid. • Both an overproduction (hyperthyroidism or Graves’ disease) and underproduction (hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s disease) of thyroid hormones will cause the gland to swell. • The production of the thyroid hormones requires iodine, so a deficiency […]Read More
CBD oil is derived from either the hemp or the cannabis plants. It is touted as a cure for numerous medical conditions. While the two plants have been widely used outside of the U.S. and throughout human history to treat physical and mental ailments, research in the United States is only just beginning to reveal […]Read More
Thyroid Cancer affects the thyroid, a gland that impacts many of your body’s functions. This cancer appears in multiple forms. Other types of cancer patients take CBD oil for its therapeutic benefits, including pain management. This article delves into thyroid cancer and promising signs of CBD oil as a potential treatment. What Is Thyroid Cancer? […]Read More