Benefits of CBD Use for Seniors

CBD for Seniors

People over the age of 65 are one of the fastest-growing demographics of medical marijuana use. This may be due to the fact that marijuana use leads to a decrease in the number of daily medications, including dangerous opioids. Marijuana also counteracts typical ailments that come with old age as it increases appetite, reduces nausea, and decreases pain. Marijuana has been found to help glaucoma patients and relieve muscle spasticity.

CBD use among seniors is rising and the reason for that is simple: the majority of seniors who have tried the naturally occurring compound for health reasons feel their quality of life has improved since using CBD. There are many benefits to seniors in using CBD, some of which are listed below.

CBD for Alzheimer and Dementia

One of the most terrifying diagnoses for a senior is Alzheimer’s or dementia. However, several studies show CBD may have a positive impact on those suffering from either neurodegenerative disease. In fact, a recent 2014 study discussed CBD’s role in reversing cognitive degeneration.

Cannabinoids can help improve mobility and motor functions in your brain. CBD has neuroprotective properties that in cases of mobility problems due to a neurodegenerative disease, CBD could reduce the symptoms of loss of mobility and motor skills.

CBD for Cancer

Perhaps the most promising aspect of CBD is its potential role in cancer treatment and decreasing chemotherapy symptoms. Some research also indicates that CBD can help maximize the impact of traditional cancer drugs. Its ability to alleviate feelings of depression can also provide relief for some of the emotional trauma that comes from such a diagnosis.

CBD for Pain Relief

Many people feel increased pain and discomfort as they ease into their older years. Sufferers of chronic pain, including arthritis pain, may find a sanctuary in CBD, as research demonstrates its ability to aid in reducing pain and inflammation.

If you’re interested in finding out how CBD can improve your quality of life as a senior, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions. It’s also essential to discuss any potential treatments with your doctor.

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