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Today's lifestyle is permeated with the use of prescription medications. We take pills to get well, yet are affected with an array of side effects from the pills, that cause damage to parts of our body. SmartCBDHub.com is to provide... Read more

What is Hemp

Hemp is a strain of the Cannabis sativa plant species.

Hemp and marijuana have an intertwined history and are often confused for each other despite their inherent differences. To investigate these differences, let’s first take a step back and look at the umbrella term “cannabis.”

Cannabis is a genus of flower-producing plants. There are three main species of cannabis: indica, sativa, and ruderalis. If you have any familiarity with marijuana, you may be familiar with those first two species, but usually not the last one. 

Hemp Img

Hemp and marijuana are both considered varieties of cannabis.

Their difference is legally defined by the amount of THC content in the plant.

The Agricultural Act of 2018 defines hemp as cannabis that contains less than 0.3 percent of THC.


Hemp has a wide variety of uses, though, beyond CBD extraction. It’s the most durable fiber in the world and is often found in building materials, clothes, paper, and rope, among others.

THC Formula


Marijuana, on the other hand, is cannabis that contains more than 0.3 percent of THC. Because of this, marijuana is associated with psychotropic effects and the feeling of getting high.

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CBD Oil Vs. Hemp Oil

There’s additional confusion as CBD oil, hemp oil, and hempseed oil can sometimes be used to refer to the same thing despite their differences...

Use for hemp: Hemp products

CBD oil is produced from the hemp plant and both are distinct from marijuana for the same reason. In addition to CBD oil, hemp produces a prolific amount of other useful products.

4 Big Differences Between Hemp and Marijuana

As public opinion and state laws change regarding the legalization of hemp and marijuana, you may be confused about the difference between the two. Both are technically the cannabis plant, which means they can look virtually the same when they grow.

Unfortunately, how these plants are classified and treated is where most of concerns about hemp vs marijuana stem from. Let’s consider these four ways that hemp and marijuana differ.

Chemical Composition

The main ingredient that separates these two types of cannabis is the level of THC, the component that creates that euphoric feeling. Hemp has less than one percent of THC in it, whereas marijuana can have as much as up to twenty percent THC. Whether you use hemp extract or marijuana, you may get some of the benefits associated with either thanks to CBD, but only one can get you high.


Hemp is grown outdoors and can be considered an industrial crop with less regulations with which to comply. On the other hand, marijuana is strictly regulated, if legal at all, and growers tend to focus more stringently on growing conditions and environment. Therefore, marijuana is more likely to be grown inside, either in greenhouses or in hydroponic equipment.


The main ingredient that separates these two types of cannabis is the level of THC, the component that creates that euphoric feeling. Hemp has less than one percent of THC in it, whereas marijuana can have as much as up to twenty percent THC. Whether you use hemp extract or marijuana, you may get some of the benefits associated with either thanks to CBD, but only one can get you high.


Hemp became legal at the federal level in 2018, but marijuana is still classified as a controlled substance, with states deciding under what conditions if any that you can legally obtain, possess, or consume it. CBD oil is another important factor, and while scientifically, there is no difference between consumption of hemp CBD vs marijuana, only one is legal.