Tags :legal

CBD’s legal status around the world

There is still some confusion regarding the legal status of CBD around the world despite the supplement’s increasing popularity. Most of this uncertainty revolves around CBD’s relationship with THC, the psychoactive component of marijuana that is still banned in many countries. However, as laws trend towards the decriminalization and legalization of marijuana, that has been […]Read More

FDA’s Claim: “CBD Has the Potential to Harm You”

While the current scientific consensus is there is no evidence pure CBD doesn’t cause widespread public harm, CBD products exist in another reality. As recently as March 2020, the FDA warned about the lack of scientific research around CBD. These concerns are well-founded, as more research needs to be done to ensure CBD’s benefits and […]Read More

The Legal Implications of CBD and Cannabis

As hemp and marijuana are essentially the same plants, just with different levels of THC, CBD has existed in a bit of a legal gray area. Fortunately, the 2018 Farm Bill helped clear away some of the confusion. If the CBD is derived from industrial hemp, meaning the plant contains less than 0.3 percent THC, […]Read More