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Today's lifestyle is permeated with the use of prescription medications. We take pills to get well, yet are affected with an array of side effects from the pills, that cause damage to parts of our body. SmartCBDHub.com is to provide... Read more

Tags :hormone

Relief for Hormonal Imbalance-Induced Headaches with CBD

Hormone balance is an integral part of your body’s ability to function effectively. These chemical communicators trigger physical responses that are responsible for some incredibly important processes, including         Sexual reproduction         Metabolism         Mood change         Development and growth When your hormones […]Read More

CBD for Graves Disease

Graves’ disease is an autoimmune disorder that results in hyperthyroidism or the overproduction of the thyroid hormone. Though several conditions can cause hyperthyroidism, Graves’ disease is the most common cause. Though not life-threatening, Graves’ disease can drastically reduce a person’s overall quality of life. Because of this fact, researchers are always on the lookout for […]Read More

CBD Oil and Hormones

While the stereotypes of calling teenagers “hormonal” may ring true, it’s important to remember that everyone is affected by hormones at every stage of their life. However, if our body’s suite of hormones falls out of balance, it can cause plenty of physiological and health issues. With CBD’s rise as a supplement and its apparent […]Read More