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How Can CBD Help Treat the Symptoms of Skin Infection?

How Can CBD Help Treat the Symptoms of Skin Infection? (lead image)

A skin infection may have many causes — bacterial, fungal, viral, or something else — and can lead to severe discomfort in a patient. Possible symptoms of skin infection include pain, severe rash, leaking pus, swelling, and more severe manifestations, like fever. While treatment varies depending on the type of infection, there is evidence that topical CBD can be effective for eczema, psoriasis, and other skin infections, particularly inflammatory ones.

Symptoms of Skin Infection

There are many symptoms of skin infection to be on the lookout for. They include, but are not limited to:

•         Itchy, irritated skin that does not heal after several days

•         Severe rash

•         Pus or fluid leaking from a skin irritation

•         Worsening pain or swelling after several days

•         Fever, headache, or chills (usually in severe cases)

Treatment of Skin Infection

When in doubt, diagnosis and plans for treatment are best made by a qualified medical professional. Treatment may include any of the following:

•         Rest

•         Over-the-counter (or prescription) antibacterial or antifungal oral medication

•         Topical creams or solutions

CBD for Skin Infection

CBD is an increasingly popular treatment for many ailments, including skin infections. There is evidence that CBD is a useful treatment for skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. Reliable data showing that CBD has antibacterial and antiviral properties is lacking. However, use of CBD oil as an antimicrobial treatment may help alleviate the often-severe discomfort that comes with some skin conditions, as well as improve severe inflammation and scarring, ultimately boosting the quality of life in patients.

Understanding when and how to apply CBD oil for skin infection is consequently a useful tool in dealing with some skin ailments. As always, it is best to consult with a doctor or medical professional to determine the most effective treatment regimen for a given condition.

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