How CBD Can Help in the Fight Against Colon Cancer

How CBD Can Help in the Fight Against Colon Cancer (lead image)

Studies thus far support CBD as an aid in cancer treatment, including colon cancer.

CBD has been shown to be helpful in treatment of several symptoms of CBD as well as the side effects of chemotherapy, often used to treat later stages of the diseases.

What Is Colon Cancer?

Colon cancer is a disease that strikes older adults at significantly higher rates than younger adults. This type of cancer originates in the colon and can be hard to detect at early stages because often there are no immediate symptoms. Colon cancer frequently begins as benign polyps that then become malignant. The signs and symptoms of colon cancer include:

  • Bowel habit changes and abdominal discomfort
  • Rectal bleeding or blood present in the stool
  • Weight loss that can’t be explained

Treatments and Complications

When colon cancer is caught in the early stages, surgery is the most common treatment approach. At later stages, surgery is combined with chemotherapy. Sometimes, radiation treatment is used as well.

There is a complication risk from the surgery that can lead to a bowel obstruction. As with most cancers, there is also the potential that not all cancer cells are killed off or removed, leading to the cancer’s return. If the cancer is not caught early, the potential for metastasizing exists.

How CBD Can Help

CBD oil is effective in treating the harsh side effects of chemotherapy and the effects of the cancer itself. Ingesting the oil alleviates nausea, vomiting and neuropathic pain. Initial research on the benefits of some cannabinoid compounds for colon cancer is promising for inhibiting its spread. More studies in this area would be helpful. Colon cancer is a common form of cancer in the U.S. It is highly treatable when caught at the early stages, but later-stage detection often requires chemotherapy. Using CBD oil helps to reduce the side effects from the chemical. While initial research is promising, more studies are needed on CBD’s potential in treating colon cancer itself.

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