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Today's lifestyle is permeated with the use of prescription medications. We take pills to get well, yet are affected with an array of side effects from the pills, that cause damage to parts of our body. SmartCBDHub.com is to provide... Read more

CBD Basics

CBD Basics

Finding Natural Relief for Phantom Pain With CBD

Cannabidiol, commonly known as CBD, is a chemical found in the cannabis plant and has been recognized as a natural pain management option for people suffering from chronic pain conditions such as phantom pain. So, what is phantom pain anyway? This type of neuropathic pain affects people who have lost a limb, making them experience […]Read More

CBD Basics

CBD for Chest Pain

CBD Oil Benefits CBD oil may help reduce heart rate and blood pressure, which are two common health complaints associated with heart function. If you’re worried about transient ischemic attacks, coronary heart disease or rapid heartbeat, taking CBD oil regularly may prove beneficial. Research shows a link between medical cannabis and the following: Reduced inflammation […]Read More

CBD Basics

CBD Oil and Toenail Fungus: All You Need To Know

Exploring Toenail Fungus Onychomycosis occurs in almost 10% of the adult population in the United States. Patients are more often male and older. This fungal infection is suspected by the appearance of the nails and confirmed by laboratory tests. What causes toenail fungus is generally considered to be certain types of fungi known as dermatophytes, […]Read More

CBD Basics

Can CBD Help Treat Parkinson’s Disease?

Parkinson’s disease is a degenerative neurological disease that primarily impacts movement. Parkinson’s symptoms include tremors, muscle rigidity, slowing of movement, impaired balance, changes to speech patterns, and other effects. It can be a challenging condition to live with and typically worsens over time. While there is no cure for Parkinson’s, finding effective ways to manage […]Read More

CBD Basics

Could CBD Help Manage Symptoms of Kidney Failure?

What Causes Kidney Failure? Several health conditions can lead to chronic kidney disease and, eventually, failure. These conditions damage the kidneys, reducing their ability to filter the body’s waste. When the organs don’t function correctly, waste and toxins accumulate in the body.  Diabetes causes kidney failure more often than any other condition, but other types […]Read More

CBD Basics

CBD May Reduce Stomach Pain and Inflammation

How Is CBD Different from Other Stomach Pain Conditions?  You may remember having stomachaches as a child. These pains can be caused by indigestion, a virus, or even stress. Inflammatory bowel disease, in contrast, is a condition that causes digestive distress, immune system attacks on the lining of the small intestine or colon, and chronic […]Read More

CBD Basics

What You Should Know About CBD and High Blood Pressure

Understanding Hypertension Hypertension is typically classified as either primary or secondary. If you’re wondering what causes high blood pressure, it depends on the classification. Primary HBP tends to arise due to non-specific lifestyle and genetic factors, while secondary HBP is attributed to actual causes such as chronic kidney disease or other endocrine problems. Blood pressure […]Read More

CBD Basics

CBD for Arthritis Pain in the Ankles

Arthritis can come in many forms and affect many joints, but the ankle joint is a prime target for conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. RA, specifically, involves swelling in the synovial lining of the joints caused by an attack on the lining from the patient’s own immune system. CBD may help decrease inflammation and stiffness in […]Read More

CBD Basics

How CBD Oil for Bacterial Infections Can Help

What Is Bacteria? Bacteria are single-celled organisms that live in and on all life forms in every environment and climate on the planet. They are also found in the air, in soil and in water. For humans, these microorganisms are largely either helpful or neutral. Gut health, for instance, depends on good bacteria and probiotics […]Read More

CBD Basics

Using CBD in the Treatment of Symptoms of Meningitis

Meningitis is the term used to describe the inflammation of the fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord and the meninges, or the membranes, that exist in this fluid. What causes meningitis varies from patient to patient, but the disease is usually the result of an infection. Meningitis typically falls under one of two categories: […]Read More