What Is Type A Hepatitis? Type A hepatitis is a short-term yet highly contagious infection of the liver. It is typically spread through person-to-person contact and via contaminated food and beverages. Mild cases of HAV do not require treatment, and most infected individuals recover within a few weeks to a few months without accruing any […]Read More
CBD Basics
What Is Graves Dermopathy? Uncontrolled hyperthyroidism can result in a number of unpleasant symptoms such as heart palpitations, panic attacks, waxy skin, and hair loss. Graves’ dermopathy is a skin condition that results as a little-known side effect of this multifaceted disease. When your body attacks your thyroid and circulates too much thyroid hormone throughout […]Read More
If you have Graves’ disease, you are likely always searching for ways to return your body to a state of balance. Because Graves’ is an autoimmune condition that could flare at any time, you must learn to manage your triggers in order to feel your best. Side effects like eye disease are an unfortunate probability […]Read More
Tension Headaches and Standard Treatment Chronic and cluster headaches such as migraines and tension headaches are a major public health concern, costing the nation approximately $14 billion each year. Every year, an estimated 47% of the population experiences some type of headache, 3% of which cite daily headaches, 10% migraines and 38% tension headaches. Tension […]Read More
Causes of Pseudogout Unlike regular gout, which is caused by an accumulation of uric acid, pseudogout is the result of the buildup of tiny calcium crystals in the cartilage of certain joints. Not much is understood about what causes this abnormal occurrence in some adults. When the crystals are released into the surrounding joint fluid, […]Read More
A normal heart beats 60 to 100 times a minute. If you have arrhythmia, though, your resting heart rate falls outside that standard range. To help combat this issue of the heart, many researchers are attempting to understand whether CBD can help. This non-psychoactive component of cannabis has demonstrated its efficacy in a wide range […]Read More
Hormone balance is an integral part of your body’s ability to function effectively. These chemical communicators trigger physical responses that are responsible for some incredibly important processes, including Sexual reproduction Metabolism Mood change Development and growth When your hormones […]Read More
Hepatitis B is a serious liver condition caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV) that affects hundreds of millions of people worldwide, including an estimated 862,000 in the United States. As hepatitis B is so common, the medical community needs to develop as many potential therapies for it as possible. One such therapy may be […]Read More
Hashimoto’s disease is the leading cause of underactive thyroids in the United States. An autoimmune disorder, it alters the way the immune system acts by settings its aim on a healthy thyroid. This leads to this essential gland becoming inflamed, which, in turn, reduces energy and slows many bodily functions. Due to the issue of […]Read More
Graves’ disease is an autoimmune disorder that results in hyperthyroidism or the overproduction of the thyroid hormone. Though several conditions can cause hyperthyroidism, Graves’ disease is the most common cause. Though not life-threatening, Graves’ disease can drastically reduce a person’s overall quality of life. Because of this fact, researchers are always on the lookout for […]Read More