Can Your Vet Recommend or Prescribe CBD for Your Pet?

Can Your Vet Recommend or Prescribe CBD for Your Pet? (lead image)

CBD is becoming a popular remedy for health issues in pets, but some veterinarians are hesitant to discuss it with their clients. A few US states have passed laws about veterinary use of CBD, which allow vets to consult with clients about CBD treatment options. However, not all states allow vets to prescribe or administer CBD.

Many pet owners turn to natural remedies, such as CBD, to manage their pets’ health conditions. As with any treatment, however, it is important to consult your vet first.

Can Veterinarians Recommend CBD?

Limited research and regulation of CBD products in the United States make this a difficult subject for veterinarians.

Some vets hesitate to recommend CBD due to concern about legal repercussions. Even in states that allow medicinal or recreational cannabis use for humans, vets are unsure how these laws apply to them. Fortunately, some states have passed laws allowing vets to discuss and recommend cannabis products.

What Is the Legislation in the US?

States with laws allowing vets to consult with clients about CBD include California, Michigan and Nevada.

Under These Laws, Are They Allowed To Prescribe CBD?

Discussing treatment is not the same as writing a prescription for it. State laws vary on whether vets can prescribe and administer CBD.


The California law does not allow vets to dispense, administer or prescribe CBD. However, it does allow vets to talk about CBD treatments with clients without risking their DEA licensure. California is the first state in the US to offer this legal protection for vets, empowering them to discuss more treatment options with pet owners.


Similar to California, Michigan allows vets to consult with clients about CBD, but they may not sell or prescribe it.


A 2021 law makes Nevada the first state to allow vets to prescribe CBD. Not only can Nevada vets discuss CBD with their clients, but they can also recommend specific products and doses.

What Research Is Being Done on CBD Use in Pets?

There is some evidence that CBD can help manage epilepsy in dogs. The AKC Canine Health Foundation has undertaken clinical trials to determine the efficacy of CBD in managing these conditions. A 2021 study offers encouraging evidence that CBD can reduce inflammation in dogs.

The American Veterinary Medical Association recognizes the potential positive effects of CBD and urges further research and regulation.

Legislation around cannabis is constantly evolving. As further research is done on veterinary applications of CBD, it is likely that more states will pass laws regulating its use.

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